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From the Express and Star of 16th March 1961


Express and Star motoring correspondent

As the result of a decision given by a tribunal appointed by the R.A.C. competitions committee, winner of the "Express and Star" national rally on February 25-26 is Brian Harper, of Wedges Mills, Cannock.
The tribunal heard an appeal, against the Stewards decision given on the morning the rally finished. The appeal was dismissed.
A road blocked notice on a minor road near the Byne Brook on the northwestern side of Wenlock Edge near the end of the night navigation section of the rally caused all the trouble.
Some competitors obeyed the notice, went the longer way round and were penalised for, lateness at the next control. Others ignored the notice and reach the next control on time.


One of those penalised for lateness as the result of obeying the notice was Brian Harper. His protest to the stewards against the provisional results was upheld and he was named the outright winner in place of W. E. (" Bill") Bengry, of Leominster.
Bengry, as he was entitled, gave notice: of appeal against that decision.
In giving its decision on the appeal, the tribunal through its chairman, John Gott, an experienced rally competitor as well as Chief Constable of Northamptonshire gave a ruling which may have considerable effect on future rally, routes.
He said irrespective of whether a sign is mandatory, we think it is most important especially in these days of criticism against rallies that competitors should obey road signs.
"The principle that seems to us so important is that no competitor should gain advantage by disregarding a sign even if that sign was put up for information only."
This is a ruling which could have considerable effect on future rallies and I, understand it is likely to be expanded and published in the R.A.C.'s "Motor Sport Bulletin."
Brian Harper (Morgan) now wins the rally by having a better special test time than Pat Moss (Saab) who takes second place in the general classification. There is a tie for third place between A. .T. Fisher (Austin Seven) and W. E. Bengry (Volkswagen).

On behalf of
Wolverhampton and South Staffs Car Club

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