Some photos mainly by Speedsports
Marcus Dodd & John Bennie
Car 1 again - Photo Mark Writtle
Marcus & John celebrate the win
Pete Littler and Andy Marchbank
Celebrations for fourth overall
Austin McHale and Brian Murphy - Photo-Mark Writtle
Austin and Brian - 3rd overall
Leon and Howard - Evo Challenge winners
Alistair Ginley and Andrew Bargery First Class N4
Tony Jardine teaches Kevin Eason to change a tyre -The Times
Duncan Williams retired because of a fire!
John Moffatt and Justin Brooks - first in class B9.
Stephen Finlay & Rory Kennedy - First Class A8
Mark Perrott & Gary Mansell came 9th.
Historic Rally
Historics line up to cross the ramp
John Keatley and Maurice Beckett- third Historic
Desi Nutt and Gearaldine McBride won the Historic Category
Mike Brown- second Post Historic
Drexel Gillespie and Gill Cotton- second Historic