a sequence from Autosport...
"Watching Hannu Mikkola trying hard with a car in which he has absolute confidence,"
"tends to revitalise one;s spectating a bit ...."
"His car control at this righthand hairpin"
"which was preceded by a fast lefthand bend does tend to separate 'us' from 'them'."
and some more from various sources...
John Taylor in front of spectators
Jimmy McRae after his early roll.
Graham Elsmore and Stuart Harrold won Group 1 by 19 seconds.
"Graham Elsmore tried exceptionally hard during the Castrol '77. He was rewarded with a win in G1 and a fine RAC Championship victory. He is now much in demand for '78 with a number of teams . . ."
Robin Eyre Maunsell & Neil Wilson in the Chrysler Dealer Team Ulster Avenger
Geoff and Alan Simpson did not finish
Gavin Waugh and Peter Handy were second in Group One
Per Walfridsen and John Jensen in their Toyota - 12th overall
Willie Rutherford in the Ford engined Mazda before the clutch failed.
Car 100 was another non finisher.
Peter Russek in his Toyota.